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the woman of the hour

I don't know if you knew this (of course you do) but your authoress Miss Shuttersmack had a opening show at Republic tonight!...and it was perfect. Oh was it perfect.The room was beautiful with her art hung on the walls, all stunning and gorgeous, and the photographer herself was positively glowing (as evidenced by the biggest grin you've ever seen cemented on her face for the entire evening).She asked me to take a few photos at the event so she could soak it all in, but when Crescent Moon is in Big Trouble started playing and I ran up to take some photos of the band (OR ELSE SHE WOULD MURDER ME!#$*&!!) she was already there. With her camera. TAKING PHOTOS.Of course she was. It was just the most perfect moment articulating why we love her work so much. Music & art are woven into the very thread of her being.So these are the photos I thought illustrated the event well: the gallery, the band, and Miss Shuttersmack showing off that huge smile (*ahem, I know it's blurry but she would positively murder me twice if I ducked protocol and posted a real photo of her here, sue me).So happy to have seen so many of you there. Congrats Leslie, I couldn't be more proud of you.xoxoLove, Sopheava