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thirteen years ago today

So this was happening, oh, well, probably exactly 13 years ago to this time of night! I found some old wedding photos this evening, and I quickly scanned in this print. Yes, I have the negatives, but I don't have a scanner for that right now, so please excuse the quality. I think you still get the idea -- who would have ever thought I'd wear a dress that poofy?! Man, not me.While looking through these photos, it was fun to laugh at some of the details of my wedding, and sure there are things I would do differently now that I see such amazing, beautiful weddings several times a year. But the main decision? The man? I totally nailed that choice. Wait... bad choice of words. I got that choice RIGHT. That's what I meant to say! Haha.One decision that I do think I got terribly wrong however, was the photographer. I paid a student at the University $300 to shoot the wedding. I gave him the film (yes, I'm that old -- FILM) and he shot it all and just handed the film right back. Most of the photos were sharp and exposed correctly... but I have about four or five shots of me and Jamie from the entire day that don't involve the ceremony, and I don't have a single shot of me and my mom. I don't blame this kid at all -- he did exactly what I had asked for (and frankly, what a bargain!?). But looking back now, it's the one thing I wish I would have spent more money on. And yes, maybe you think I'm saying that because I have people pay me to do this exact job, but that's not it. As a former bride, I wish I had better photos of my family the experience of the day and all of the tiny details like the centerpieces and the place cards etc, etc.But back to the big decision of the man! What a keeper, eh? Tonight he took me to Saffron for dinner and we had such a great evening. I am just baffled that the first boy I ever asked on a date when I was 19 turned out to be the most perfect match ever. I got pretty darn lucky. (And yes, I asked HIM out. Sorry Dad, I couldn't resist.)