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tiki turnoff

Tonight some girlfriends and I headed over to the new Psycho Suzi's so I could *finally* check out their new bar. Aaaaand, I miss the old one. This version is just too big and crowded, and as one friend pointed out "full of yay-hoos." But Holy Moses, is that place raking in the dough. I am not even exaggerating when I say I think it must seat 1,000 people, and when you realize that the average drink is probably $7-$8 and everyone there is having 2-3 drinks? Ka-Ching.But I think my favorite part of the evening was when we headed back to Jill's place and built a bonfire, pulled up chairs and blankets and chatted while staring at the stars. Moments like that are what Minnesota summers magical. Well, that and when Julie poured her beer* in a cup to take on the drive to the bar, but insisted she sit in the back seat since she had an open container (I'm sure an arresting officer would be more understanding if the container was in the back seat? what?). And then she recalled the last time she had done that was in high school, upon which I realized that the last time I, too, had had an open container in a car was in high school. Ah, teen years. So safe and smart.* Said beer was a new Shiner Ruby Redbird which is my favorite beer ever invented in the history of ever. It has a touch of ginger and grapefruit in it! It is amazing! (No wonder she wanted to take it with her.)