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Tis the season

Today Jamie and I were out shopping ---- Sidebar: The mall was freaking PACKED. And we were at the *fancy* mall. The one with the Tiffany's and the Louis Vuitton store. So don't you guys worry, Minnesotans are up here taking care of the economy. Oh, and side-sidebar, we were not shopping at the fancypantz stores. ---- for a bed. We've never had a proper headboard/frame whatever, and now that we've been married for twelve years (from Kansas! Married at 15!), we think a nice, wood bed would be nice.But that's not really the point (what we were shopping for). The point is that when we left the mall, the real snow had begun. And I mean, the real snow that will probably still be on the ground in March. And it was sooo pretty. And I love how quiet it gets when the snow starts coming down really hard.So we got home at 4:15, and it was starting to get dark fast, so I rushed the whole family out to the front yard for a family picture in the first real snow. It's not coming down as hard as last year, but it's still pretty. And as I look at that photo I realize I am wearing the exact same thing. Oops.Oh, and yes. Doesn't it look like Memphis is hatching an escape plan as she longingly gazes at the street? Trouble.UPDATE: After a delicious dinner, we headed out to the Triple Rock to see Phantom Tails and Fort Wilson Riot play. Man, we were not expecting that. Light shows! Crazy stage decor! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! You can see photos of the show over here...