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torn up

0430triasmI've been keeping this on the down low because... well... it's embarrassing. See, last week after an *amazing* yoga class, I was back at work, carrying my coffee upstairs, when I tripped. And coffee went everywhere. And I fell on the stairs. And I tore my calf muscle pretty bad.There may have been some screaming, cussing and tears. Magda was hiding under the dresser, she was so nervous. Anyway, I spent the weekend icing it and keeping it elevated and staying off of it, but today, almost a week later, it wasn't much better.So I sucked up my pride and went to the doctor. The good news is that I don't need crutches and I'm not injuring myself further by walking on it. The bad news is that it hurts a lot, and there's nothing I can do for it, and it will take about a month to heal. A MONTH. And in that time, there is to be no yoga and no dog walks. Yeah guys, Magda is PISSED.Let's get to the internet shares, shall we? First off, I'm too claustrophobic to go scuba diving, but this sure is awesome. Second, who wants to come over for pink grapefruit margaritas? And third, I can't resist these pretty ladies made of paper. You know me. I'm a sucker for this stuff.