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total dud

Do you think Target will take back this Amaryllis that is OBVIOUSLY A DUD that I bought back in mid-November? Back when I had hopes and dreams (okay, maybe over-exaggerating here but whatever) of watching the stems grow toward the heavens and a beautiful flower bloom over the holidays? Before I realized that instead I would be watering a worthless stump in the window for seven straight weeks? Because I certainly don't have the receipt anymore, and I'm feeling ripped off.Also, for all you green thumbs out there (mine are black... obviously), if I keep watering this will it EVER bloom? I mean, it's green, right? It doesn't look dead. Just... stunted? If you could let me know, that would be great, because all my other Christmas decorations have both been hauled out of the basement, unpacked and hung and then packed back up and repositioned in storage in the amount of time that I have been watering this ball of lazy roots. Thanks in advance for any advice you might send (Nan? Catherine? Mom? I'm looking at you guys).Other than my plant frustration, today was pretty solid. Lots of time with the Collie and my wonderful friend Nancy joined us for dinner and laughter and it was so, so good to catch up with her. This slower pace of January is pretty dang nice, but I'll be happy when my man is feeling back to normal so we can get out of the house a little more. Cabin fever sets in early with me.