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Man, did this little shit get into trouble today. Jamie headed out for golf for several hours and I was sunbathing and reading on the dock. Merlin was asleep in the grass, and Memphis was exploring the boat / swimming the docks. Then she started sprinting from the lake, up to the hill by the cabin door and thrashing around in the dirt covering herself in filth. She was so exhuberant about rolling in the dirt that at one point I watched her tumble down the hill out of control. By the time she came to rest she looked like a chocolate lab she was so covered in dirt and mud (and probably ticks, who knows). So I grabbed her frisbee and lured her back into the lake, hoping to clean her off.It seemed to do the trick, and right when she emerged I ushered the dogs back into the cabin, dried her off, and returned to the dock to read. After about an hour of reading an listening to this Golden whimper out the window at me that she wanted to swim some more, I decided to bring the dogs back down to the boat and shut the gate so they were trapped on the pontoon with me. At least they would be outdoors and quiet.Ha.So I let them out, and Memphis bolts for the lake. I'm not too concerned as I figured I'd just drag her into the boat after her swim. Ahem.When I reached the dock, I saw there was a fishing boat 80 feet off shore and about 100 feet down shore from our dock. And Memphis was swimming out to them. You know, to say hello (and get tangled in their fishing lines). What. A. Fool.But here's the deal. She wouldn't come back! I ran back to the cabin and tried to lure her with treats, toys and even tortilla chips. She just kept circling the boat crying because I guess she wanted them to pull her in (fat chance). And the boaters, understandably, just laughed and laughed at her. Meanwhile, I was in my bikini and flip flops running up and down the shore trying to lure her back to shore. A few times she swam halfway back to me, then VISIBLY CHANGED HER MIND and went back to the fishermen.Finally, they trolled their boat back to my dock. But SHE WOULDN'T COME IN. And finally, I had to swim out into the lake, past the dock, grab her by the torso and force her back in (while she fought me the whole time trying to swim back to the boat). So now when we let her out, we have to check for animals, people and boaters out in the lake. Lord. It's a good thing she's so cute, or I might have just let her drown out there.Also? I'm a little paranoid that I might have run through a ton of poison ivy when leaping along the shoreline trying to get her back out of the water. I've never had poison ivy, so I'm not sure how long it takes to kick in, but let's hope the only itching I have in the next few days is due to bug bites and dry skin, shall we? Or else I might just throw her in the lake and leave.