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trouble makers

Tonight was our big vet appointment. We've been treating the dogs for their kidney and liver values for a full month now with the homemade kidney diet for Memphis and the homeopathic supplements for Merlin.One of the reasons we needed to see the doctor was because Memphis has had horrendous skin trouble. The problem is that any kidney diet is based mostly on carbohydrates like rice and grains with much less protein. But Memphis here has terrible sensitivities when it comes to grains, and this diet is giving her all kinds of sores and they are now causing staph infections. Goodness, if it's not one thing it's another! We're in a bit of a pickle because with so many issues (kidney problems, her stomach issues and her skin allergies) all of the food that helps one issue hurts another. It's pretty complicated trying to prioritize her health concerns.Then, after a long conversation with the doctor about these issues, Memphis refused to urinate for the test. So now we'll need to go back in the next few weeks so we can sort out how much this diet is helping her kidneys when it's hurting her skin. See? She's still a stinker after all of this.