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tuesday at the madhouse ~ celebrate

01wSo this weekend we celebrated Father's Day and my birthday (!!) and we got a haircut and we ... recovered from illness. Oh, don't you worry about Ezra. That kid is a-ok healthy. It's the viruses he spread to us, his poor parents, that brought us down. And Jamie got hit the hardest (just what he wanted for Father's Day! Thanks, kid!). Anyway, luckily for Jamie, ice cream was what tasted best this weekend, and that's what I wanted to eat for my (very small) birthday gathering. So it was a win-win. Photos below -- enjoy!02wThis week was a FULL ON, REAL haircut. Meaning, not only were clippers used, but Ezra wore a cape and the hair dryer was brought out, and the kid took it like a champ. That Barber Bob is the damn best.03wAnd as a reward, Ezra got to finish Jamie's smoothie at Panera. That kid loves his smoothies/popsicles/ice cream. Can't imagine who he gets that from...04wAnd since we all know ice cream is my favorite food ever, we invited a few friends to meet us at MilkJam on Saturday to celebrate my birthday. We ordered "All of Them," which is all 16 flavors built into a sundae. It was amazing.05wWe demolished it. (There was more eaten after this photo. Which might have caused my stomach ache that night.)06wBut this kid was thrilled!07wThe next day, I snapped this while he was enjoying a yogurt. This kid and cold dairy are a match made in heaven.08wAnd here the boys are on Father's Day.09wI like how it looks like Ezra is giving Jamie a backrub for father's day here, and not climbing all over his poor, sick father.10wThat evening, we had a picnic at the lake, listened to some classical music at the bandshell and then watched the ducks.11wOn Monday, Jamie and I went for a few short walks, and on one of them I spied this deer. Wait, Jamie spied the deer. I took the photo.12wAnd then that night, Nyberg came over for my birthday dinner and played with the kid. After dinner, she and I headed down to the lake to photograph the moonrise. You'll get to see that tomorrow :)For your internet share of the day, I loved this story. If only we were all that polite on the internet.