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twilight in the suburbs

0314twilightsmToday the Veronica Mars movie came out (yay!!) and Jamie was under strict instructions to take me to the theater to see it on our date night. But... the 8 pm showing was sold out. So we opted for the early 5:40 showing instead and then grabbed dinner at the mall after. While walking to our car, this was the scene. First off, I feel about ninety three years old for wrapping up the date before dark and second, this shot reminded me of "Party at the Moontower -- spread the word!"And if you don't get that reference, then maybe YOU are 93 years old, not me. Or maybe you are twenty. Who knows. For those of you who do get the reference, you are my people.For my internet share of the day, I'm showing you my very favorite new commercial that I saw on TV today. Oh Subaru, this is gold.