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two loves of mine

0220merlinsmAh, there's my handsome prince!Whenever it snows hard (like it did today), I like to take Merlin out for a quick walk up and down the block without a leash. His back legs are so weak these days that sometimes he'll slip on just the kitchen floor, so I hesitate to take him too far in snow and ice, but we both love the quiet, stillness of these moments, and he's the perfect one to share it with. Plus, I feel like it's so awesome when the whole world's color palette all of a sudden matches his! (Yes, that's the geeky designer in me.)Also? This was what it looked like after maybe 40 minutes of snow. And it's supposed to keep going like this for about 12 more hours. I am super glad my first shoot tomorrow is not until 11 am! And! I cannot wait for my man to get home so we can go walk around and throw snowballs at each other. This is the winter I love. Not the -15 degrees (that is forecast for next week).For your internet share of the day, I'm giving us something else to look forward to. Summer! And lightening bugs! Check out this long exposure photography of fireflies in the forest at night