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um, thursdays with magda

0912mwmsmOh man, I love that schnoz (is that how you spell it?). One of the most interesting parts of Magda, to me anyway, is her nose/face/chin area. Because she's so monochromatic, it's all pinkish brown, and you can see all the pores for her whiskers.I've never been able to shoot this before because she's so wiggly, but I was working on it today while she was napping and right when I snapped this photo, she woke up and licked the lens. Too cute.I have so, so many great internet shares for you guys -- really, you should stick around a few days. First up is DOGS DRIVING CARS ON VIDEO. I am not even kidding. This is amazing -- check it out here. I mean, look at that dog with his paws on the wheel! So cute!And as a sidenote, and small history lesson, my uncle sent me this information about the monument that the fox was sleeping on yesterday. FASCINATING local history, y'all. And if you think you don't want to read it, you do. It's about MURDER.