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under water

post by leslie

Work is nuts this week. Have I mentioned that? I think I mentioned that.August and September and October for Shuttersmack are a little bit like finals week in college where you just don't have enough time in the day to fit it all in... except that it's three months long and you have a kid and you're in the middle of a move. Or at least that's what it feels like at the moment.I'm going to just tell you now that the blog will likely go quiet for the next few days. I have a big commercial shoot in the studio today and tomorrow, a wedding on Saturday, moving on Sunday and Monday and then four more shoots next week. Do I sound stressed out? Sorry about that. I'm trying to take deep breaths and focus on that photo up there and what a wonderful respite that trip was.The good news is that I scheduled myself a small break in about two weeks to catch up on processing and life, and sometimes I just want to go back and kiss the Leslie from a few months back for blocking out that time. Someone once told me to make sure you schedule down time as well as busy time, and that is the best advice ever.I only have one internet share today, and it's this fabulous summer salad recipe that I want to try asap. Hopefully, the next time you hear from me I'll be in the new studio and things will feel more manageable. Until then, let's all take deep breaths and make time to gaze at the stars, shall we?