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up in the clouds

Last week, I met up with a friend of mine and we headed downtown to take some photos of her for a book she has coming out.Does that sound like no big deal? Because it's a very big deal.This lady BLOWS MY MIND with her talent, her tenacity and her work ethic. She has just finished up three books (maybe four? I can't remember) for Paisley Park to sell at the many, many celebrations they are hosting this week (the anniversary of Prince's death), and she has another book coming out this fall that has required years and years of research and interviews. And she's done all of this while hosting podcasts and DJing her weekly radio show and working as a reporter/blogger for The Current. She is a MACHINE.And I am so, so proud of her.Anyway, I'm not done with her images yet so I don't want to spoil anything by putting them here, but I did want to share the view from one of our locations. Pretty nice eh?And for your internet shares of the day:+ I've linked to this Blind Date column before, but I'm still enjoying the hell out of it and so should you.+ This website is creative genius.+ Some photos of Easter fashion from the late Bill Cunningham. Amazing.