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waiting for inspection

0307basementsmSo this is part of our basement right now! Kindof a disaster, but you can just start to see it coming together. I was standing in the "laundry room" facing the "washing machine" which will be plugged into the blue box there. That wall will be completed this week, and see that red part? That's the waterproofing because that's where the shower will be on the other side of the wall! And the far (complete) wall back there? That's where the toilet and the vanity will be. Essentially, this photo was taken looking through what will be a complete wall (the bathroom door is around the corner).I know it doesn't look like much, but I wanted to show this step before next week when walls are filled in and the tiling is being done in the bathroom (!!).For today's internet share, I'm sending you to this article about what all this woman has learned in her 40s. I found a lot of it to be things that I, myself, had picked up on in the last few years as well (even though I'm not 40 yet -- let's be clear, people). For example: "By your 40s, you don’t want to be with the cool people; you want to be with your people." That is one of my favorite parts about living in Minneapolis. Jamie and I finally found our people here. And we love them!