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waiting room fish

0128fishsmThis is one of the three fish that occupy a the tank at Alby's radiation center. I took him again today, and I swear my buddy has the best attitude of anyone I've ever met. When you are driving someone to their brain radiation appointment and they are full of laughs and cheer, it really makes you question anything that might be making you grumpy. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful and amazing light in my world.The rest of today was, thankfully, spent indoors as the windchill was -40 degrees. We all know I am smitten with Minnesota, but this month's weather is beginning to dampen the swoon a bit. If we can just get back up into the twenties, I'll be just fine.For your internet share of the day, check out these adorable bags! I would love one for my makeup or travel. I particularly love the last one.