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walking on water

0118kitessmToday I slept in until almost 9 (which was awesome) and then I woke up to the sound of Jamie snow-blowing the walk out front (which was even more awesome since it meant he was doing it all while I slept -- yes, I have won myself a keeper). We then later mosied on down to Lake Harriet for the annual kite festival, which you can see above.Isn't it crazy how Minnesotans embrace the winter like this? I love it. What you can't really tell from the photo is that a) we are all standing in the middle of a frozen lake (which I'm not sure I'll ever get used to) and b) because no one ever shovels the lake and the snow just keeps accumulating, it's *at least* a foot of snow that you're hiking through to get out there. You know how walking in wet sand can be a tad tough? Yeah, this is exhausting. And yes, I am a total wuss.Anyway, we took Mags and thank the lord she, too, found it to be exhausting and has been nothing but love and snuggles the rest of the day.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to these wonderful images a mother has taken of her toddler on her farm during dawn and dusk. The light in these photos astounds me.