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0311lightsmThis right here is a little corner of my buddy Leah's house that I adore. The light blows me away every time I visit! Look how tall/low the windows reach! Her home is one of my very favorite spots to shoot.Anyway, I was over there this morning pinning down the final details of her wedding that I'm shooting in a few weeks, and I snapped this right before I left. I could sit in that nook and read the paper and sip my coffee all day long, I tell you. Also? That wedding? It's going to be stunning. I cannot wait to show you photos from that day.For your internet share today, I'm showing you some Vans that I'm pondering for my shoe collection. Now that it's SIXTY degrees out (!!!), I'm refusing to wear any socks and these shoes all look perfect for summer. Be sure to tell me which are your favorites!