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we hunt for trouble tonight

So tonight was awesome. If you follow my twitter stream, you are probably well aware of how much I am loving the new Astronautalis album, and tonight he was back in Minneapolis for a show at the Triple Rock. And man, was that fun. My face literally is still sore from all the smiling.My two favorite parts of the show were:A) When he busted out with his first song (The River, The Woods), which requires a bit of backup vocals and he had no backup singers on stage, and the crowd just jumped in LOUD at the perfect time and proceeded to fill in the rest of the song. Now, this happens all the time at shows, so why was I so impressed? Because this album just came out 23 days ago. And the place was packed. And it just really represents how awesome crowds in Minneapolis are (not that I'm biased).B) His freestyle rapping. Soooo fun. He picked random people from the crowd to give him five topics and then he made up a song on the spot incorporating all of them. The topics tonight were: Flux Capacitor, Pepto Bismol, Dr. Who, Calvin and Hobbes and quantum entanglement. Which was also hilarious because it showcased the nerdery in the audience. Again, Minneapolis represent.You can see more shots from the show tonight over here. Enjoy!