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welcome to the family, kiddo

Say hello to our newest family member! She's a young vizsla mix (see? I told you that dog at the video shoot stole our hearts last week), and she's somewhere between 4 and 6 months old. We'll get that figured out when we get the girl to the vet for her checkup. She's super sweet and already knows how to sit and lay down and is close to being potty trained (she even barked when we were there to let us know she needed to go outside to do her business -- good girl!).The name from her rescue group is Maizey, but we're trying to decide what to change it to. The names we are debating are: Mila, Montana, Mingus, Sophie and Ginger. Our dogs have always had names that began with the letter M, which was unintentional. But once we realized that, we thought we should throw some M options in there. We want to know what you guys think, so please feel free to weigh in (if I could figure out how to open up commenting, I would, but you'll have to email me or tweet at me instead -- leslie at shuttersmack dot com). Also! Vizslas are hungarian, so if you know any good Hungarian or Polish names, throw those our way as well!And lastly, we don't have her yet. We leave town this week for Palm Springs, and we didn't want to bring her home and then leave her with a dog sitter for a few days and then come back -- that would be too confusing for the girl (not to mention all the bathroom construction). So she's staying with her foster mom until next Monday. We're pretty excited to get her home with us, but I will admit, it stirs up a bunch of old Memphis emotions. Ah guys, moving on is hard.