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wings + teeth + barfight

Tonight was the Doomtree's Blowout 6 show at First Avenue, and I was *so* excited. I had a rough week and have been working extremely long hours, so seeing some of my very favorite performers at their best show of the year was really sounding good to me. I even talked a few girlfriends into joining me (one who rarely even makes it out to shows).The night was absolutely insane.There were a ton of young kids there who had had *entirely* too much to drink, and in general the crowd was rowdier than usual. This was especially the case when a small fight broke out and said friend who rarely makes it out to the club was punched smack in the face, blood going *everywhere.* Oh I'm sorry, are you eating breakfast? Then I will spare you the rest of the details of the evening.Let's just say, it was something out of a movie. But! But the band still put on an amazing show, even though I missed a large portion of it. If you would like to see the photos I *did* capture between drunken fans, vomiting girls and the random bar fight, they are over here.And oh yeah. They had an ice sculpture when you walked in the door tonight! Random.