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winter cheer

0225flowerssmThe winter blues have finally got ahold of me good. It is too damn cold outside for any fresh air, and it's REALLY starting to get to me. Plus, many of both my shoots and my social engagements keep getting postponed due to massive amounts of snow, record cold weather or sickness -- so I'm ending up a hermit with cabin fever who is making conversations with her dogs and plants. Please send help, stat.Today, around 4 pm, I had finally had enough. I decided I was going to walk up to the flower store and treat myself to a little spring. But then I remembered that a 10 minute walk at 3 below zero might kill my newly purchased plants, so I DROVE FIVE BLOCKS. Ugh.But! Once I arrived at the neighborhood flower shop, I was met instantly with warmth, humidity and lush green plants. It was just what I needed. And when I asked to see what fresh flowers they had in stock, I might have squealed out loud to find they had my FAVORITE flowers: Ranunculus. And? They had them in a bright and cheery yellow! So I greedily bought the entire bunch. It's full of small buds that I am hoping will bloom for at least a week, keeping me in better spirits. Here's hoping!For your internet share of the day, I am sending you to this AMAZING MOVIE TRAILER for Godzilla! I am so, so excited. I will be there opening night with a huge bucket of popcorn. Won't you join me?