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winter walk in the woods

Saturday, between a morning shoot with a baby and a beautiful collie mix, a birthday party with two indoor bounce houses (the things you learn about as a parent), and a massive grocery-store run, I squeezed in an hour-long walk in the woods with my dear friend Nyberg.It was just what I needed.This "new year" hasn't felt new to me. I've been trapped at home by the cold and the threenager, and some time in the quiet, fresh air following deer and bunny tracks and listening for woodpeckers and the branches tapping each other in the wind was just what my soul needed.I have photos of the "wildlife" I spotted for tomorrow. But for today, I just want everyone to look a those trees and that light and take a deep breath.For your internet shares of the day:+ I loved the first season of The Crown (haven't gotten into season two yet), and seeing these photos of the real people and the actors who play them is fascinating.+ I have a few goals in life that I'm not sure I'll ever master (or come even close). But here's a step in the right direction.+ This headline says it all. "Singer from clown-themed Iron Maiden tribute band allegedly smuggled seven million dollars worth of drugs to Japan"