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0128deskwI'm still slammed with office work today (back behind the camera tomorrow), and I thought I'd show you my new desk! I got it during a Black Friday sale, and, um, I hate to admit that I didn't have it assembled until after the new year. I am slowly moving all the stuff from my old desk into this one, which leaves my office a bit in shambles, but for today at least, things were a bit more tidy. So I thought I should document it!Also, I flipped my camera to the black-and-white shooting mode. I am photographing a few hours of a wedding this weekend in all black and white as a test run for my new special, and I want to shoot ONLY in black and white so I have an idea of what the end images will look like as I take them.That might sound weird, but if I see in color and shoot in color, then when I flip it at the computer I might have some awkward surprises. This is an effort to train my eye to "see" more in black and white. Make sense? I think it will be fun!For your internet shares today, I have a few.First, yesterday was the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. The BBC released this footage of a drone flying over the camps recently, and it reminded me of my time there a few years back. Haunting.On a controversial note, did you hear they have hired Joseph Fiennes to play Michael Jackson? Say what?And Barbie has come out in all new shapes and sizes. I know there will be many opinions on that.