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worn out from all the ... eating?... napping?

I finished my fourth book of the trip today. Yup, that's just how much reading I've been doing. *Stretch* But what can I say, it was a perfect day for it. I woke up after TWELVE hours of sleep to the sound of the rain on the rooftop above my head. It was gray and foggy and drizzly all day, so we stayed in and read and made wonderful meals (blueberry pancakes with bacon? Tacos? Bacon, avocado, tomato salad? Hungry yet?).In fact, I started to prepare a different photo of the day, when I looked over and saw these three passed out on the daybed together. So there you go! This was shot just four minutes before captioning! Aren't they cute? All worn out from the... uh... eating? snuggling? reading? City life will just seem so active after this, eh?