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yeah, that's me

Oh, hi there. Yeah, that's me ... I think I was about six in that photo. My mom included this photo in the birthday card with my present today. Clearly, I was just as shy and timid as a child as I am now, ahem.So my grandmother used to always buy me these swimsuits that were all sparkly for Christmas. The trouble was, as I recall, the instructions on this suit said you couldn't get it wet. I remember being baffled as to why anyone would ever own a swimsuit that had to stay dry. And as a six-year-old, I had a pretty valid point. But don't you love this pose? This is what I used to do when my parents would tell me to pose for a photo. What in the world was I thinking? Did I suspect that this is what runway models did? I mean, who in the world does this? Apparently I do. Maybe I had seen Saturday Night Fever?Also, my favorite part of this photo has to be my uncle in the background looking like "Oh my God, what is this child doing? I am so embarrassed." That's my Uncle Randy, who I believe reads this blog. (Hi Randy! Look how young we were!).Oh yeah. About that. I'm now old and was not carded at dinner tonight for my wine. Booo.