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Yo Quiero

post by leslie

This morning I had a shoot in the studio with three dogs (at the same time), and they were extremely easy to work with and well behaved! I was stunned and thrilled!But of the three, this guy here stole my heart when he walked right onto set and plopped down with his legs crossed just like magic. What an adorable pup!For your internet shares of the day:+ The constant judging of what women wear annoys me to no end, and I think Serena played this beautifully. Also, to the person who said, "One must respect the game and the place," Serena Williams IS the game. Seriously, back off.+ I am so excited to hit the fair this weekend, and this just made me EVEN MORE SO.+ And speaking of the fair, the Star Tribune is killing it with their fair photo essays each day. You can see them here.