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Tonight we were back for another show at the Varsity. It feels like I'm seeing way fewer shows this summer -- I suspect because most bands are playing festivals, and, well, y'all know how I feel about those. Anyway, tonight I was excited to get out to see some music, then immediately wished I was back home when I arrived and the club was about 100 degrees inside, then was again thrilled to be out once the band started because wow was it good. Kinda moody over here, huh?Anyway, it was a really fun show. I was a tad disappointed that Yuck didn't move around on stage more, but considering the heat I was impressed nonetheless. Also, Unknown Mortal Orchestra opened, who I was super excited to see for the second time, but they chose to play with all the lights in the club out in an attempt to stay cool. Um, so no photos there (obviously). However, they sounded AMAZING. If you want to see more images of Yuck (who manned up and used stage lights), you can look here. When Jamie and I first started dating, his hair was much like the lead singer's. I might even have some photos of that...