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yup. i ate all of it.

0716footlongsmThis photo is from yesterday, but I had to show you my dinner. I ate that whole damn thing. It's a footlong hotdog from Butcher and the Boar, and man, was it tasty. Now *that's* a hot dog, am I right?We met up with some dear friends last night around 8 pm and enjoyed dinner outside in the glorious summer weather we've been having, and I thought the hot dog option was a better choice than a steak. And I was right.Today has mostly been prep work for tomorrow's wedding, along with a field trip to the studio in Northeast Mpls to drop off last week's wedding photos. I'm breaking in a new crock pot today (!!!) and I thought taking Magda with me might be safer than leaving her at home with chicken slow cooking in deliciousness. Don't worry, you'll get the recipe soon enough. Anyway, the field trip seems to have worn out the vizsla as she came home and collapsed into sleep. Score.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to this awesome tutorial on how to put on your daily makeup. And if you don't care about that sort of thing, check out these amazing print ad designs. My favorites are numbers 3, 7, 8, 15, 36, 53 and 100. What are yours?