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zeus jones

This photo is more informative than artistic, I'd say. But this is a shot of the (almost) finished Zeus Jones space. These guys have doubled? more than doubled? their offices in the last several months, and it's been fun to pop in every once in awhile to shoot headshots and see the progress. Today they were down to the very finishing touches, and wow does it look good. That area on the right is the "old" space, and everything that turns the corner on the left is new. I was amazed at how seamless it looked -- I never would have guessed it was an addition.Another reason I was super excited to see the finished space is that I've been following my buddy Brad's Pinterest boards that he was using as inspiration for the space, and it was cool to see how it all came together. Lovely, eh?*Um, sidenote. I think the uniformed personel were from the fire dept. to figure out alarms/extinguishers etc. It looks like the cops were visiting, but not the case.