Here are my favorite shots of 2024. I had so much fun meeting you all in parks, in your homes and even up on the north shore. I can’t wait to see how much your families grow in 2025!
Hey guys! I know I don’t blog much anymore — I feel like most of my views are through Instagram these days. But in case you like seeing the photos larger than your phone screen allows, here are some of my favorite shots of 2023. These shots make me smile as I love the personality that I see in your kids and dogs shining through in these images. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
We went to Mexico a week or two ago to celebrate my Mother In Law’s birthday, and while I work hard not to lug my camera everywhere and to just be present, I also tried to take snaps when I thought of it. I cannot suggest this vacation enough. It was perfection.
This week is full of product and portrait photos in the studio — as January usually is. Today we had a ton of cookies, cupcakes and scones on set, so I snapped a quick one of these amazingly generic and delicious treats.
I escaped to the north shore this weekend with three girlfriends and it was perfection. Here are a few of the sites, but most of the time was spent eating amazing food, drinking wine and laughing so much my face hurt.
Minneapolis Public schools declared a second “distance learning” day today, which meant a slow morning filled with Harry Potter and Hazel snuggles. Our girl is healing well from her surgery last week. We are all eager to have the staples out.
In case you’re wondering what it’s like in Minnesota right now, it’s LOVELY. The best part is that it’s 31 degrees, so we can play! School and appointments are cancelled! We’ll get back to reality tomorrow, but for today, we’ll have fun.

So much changes in a year! New teeth, first steps, new foods, new skills… and I want to capture that change for you. I want to be your family historian, and I want you to remember this year and all the tiny details. It goes too fast, and this is how we can slow it down just a little bit.
Those images up there are all of Elliot, a sweet kiddo whom I documented three separate times in one year. And I would love to do this for more families like yours! Look at how much he changed! From the hair and teeth to the sitting and standing and smiling and eating! We captured it all. Watch that film up top to get a real sense of it.
Each year, I offer a Year in the Life package – both as a film and a photography option (see details below). But please know that my email subscribers got first dibs, and there are only two left for the entire year. Committing to this kind of project requires a bit of planning and time on my part, and I don't want to overbook myself. So if you want in, you should act fast.
And before I forget to mention, anyone who purchases this package automatically qualifies for first dibs on fall session dates.
If you are interested, reach out soon, and we’ll get you on the 2023 calendar.
Here are the details:
*$500 discount if model release is signed (payment plans available)
+ 3 separate photo sessions happening 3-4 months apart.
+ One 2-3 hour documentary-style session in or around your home. This could be a newborn session, a bedtime session or any other activity you would like documented.
+ Two 30-45 minute sessions either at home or on location (not in a studio)
+ Roughly 120 high resolution downloadable images delivered throughout the year
+ A $100 credit in your gallery store which can be applied toward albums, prints, calendars and other gifts. I am happy to design the album for you.
*$500 discount if model release is signed (payment plans available)
+ 3 separate photo sessions happening several 3-4 months apart.
+ One 2-3 hour documentary-style session in or around your home. This could be a newborn session, a bedtime session or any other activity you would like documented.
+ Two 30-45 minute sessions either at home or on location (not in a studio)
+ Roughly 90 high resolution downloadable images delivered throughout the year
+ A 2-3 minute family film showcasing the family's change/growth throughout this period (like the one up top).
+ A $100 credit in your gallery store which can be applied toward albums, prints, calendars and other gifts. I am happy to design the album for you.