wow... time flies

Hi! It’s been awhile!

I have so many things to show you — so many fun family shoots, so many vacation photos (we’ve been to California! TWICE since I last posted)!

But today I’m going to show you some dogs. Because these dog shoots lately are bringing me so much joy, and I think we all can use as much of that as possible.

These three pups are siblings, and I adored each of them for their own reasons. EmmyLou up there reminds me so much of my Hazel and my Magda combined (sweet and cuddly but just might get into some trouble).

And this is Biggie! Doesn’t she look like the most border collie of border collies? SO SWEET.

And this is 17-year-old Tulah. Oh, how I loved this sweetheart! Yes, she’s missing her eyes. But she still shone with personality, and it was so great to have this trio in my studio. Enjoy!

Leslie PlesserComment
It's a new year.

Well… it’s a new year and I’m typing this a few minutes before leaving the house to have the whole family tested again for Covid. I wonder if this will ever go away.

We had a lovely, quiet Christmas at home and because the kids are now vaccinated (yay!) we had one or two friends over to the house for playdates which was VERY EXCITING!

We also had a handful of vaccinated friends to the house for New Year’s Eve where we returned our tradition of eating frozen pizza and counting down to the new year at 8 pm and then marching up and down the block making all kinds of noise and holding up sparklers. It was nice to have that back, even if in a much smaller format.

And now we are in 2022! Today I registered the kiddo for some weeks at summer camp (please god let that be safe again) and I’m dreaming up schemes for the rest of the summer. But in the meantime, here are a few snaps from our holiday break.

Oh! And the photo up top is Ezra reacting to his Big gift of tickets to see Dua Lipa in March in Minneapolis. He adores her music, and the tickets came with a vinyl copy of her album. He was thrilled.

Leslie PlesserComment
Happy Holidays!

Hello lovelies!

I am winding down my year over here, wrapping up my December shoots (Four to go! But who’s counting!) and delivering files. I’m also working on contracts for 2022 and lining up some VERY cool new offerings that you’ll hear all about in the new year.

But, while I do all of this, I must admit that my attention is waning. Isn’t everyone’s?

There’s a lot more gazing out the window. More “I think I’ll just throw in a load of laundry before getting to that task,” and today I even did a 73 minute workout instead of my normal 30. (Self care! Right?)

This is to say that this is likely my last blog post of 2021. I hope you all have a lovely holiday with those whom you adore, and I hope you have the time and the space to recharge and do what brings you joy (for me, that’s time in front of the fire with a good book).

I’ll see you next year! And until then, enjoy these photos of my lovely ladies who bring me warmth in the night and keep me on my toes during the day.

Leslie PlesserComment
Mild and enjoyable

Well… while global warming is horrifying… I am thrilled to report that we are having a super mild winter in Minnesota which has resulted in way more fun outside. A perfect dream as we wait for our kiddo’s vaccination to kick in fully!

We’ve had friends over for s’mores on the patio, backyard latke parties at Hanukkah and this past weekend we went to a winter festival that included llamas!

And while normally I would prepare to hit “publish” on this sort of post only to be met with an icy north wind bringing in the negative temperatures to dampen my optimism, it’s supposed to be 52 degrees on Wednesday and my family shoot might have to be rescheduled due to… DECEMBER RAIN. What even?

Also! Speaking of shoots! Ezra has asked me to teach him how to be a photographer. I don’t know if this will last, but I am JUMPING ON BOARD. We had a few lessons this weekend, and he even made a little stop motion gallery of photos using his toys that was really cute. Regardless of how much he’s absorbing of these lessons, it’s so fun for him to ask if we can work on taking photos together. My heart swells.

Anyway, please enjoy some of the photos included here. I don’t do personal updates as often as I’d like, but this month has had some bright spots, and I thought I’d share.

Leslie PlesserComment
Capture a full year

Hello! And welcome to the holiday season!

Can you even believe how much has happened this year? Like, how many quarantines we've had!? But let's not go down that rabbit hole.

Let's think about how our families have grown (so many new siblings!) or how many milestones have been hit. I have photographed lost teeth, several beginner bike rides, a few first steps and many who are learning to read. I love capturing these huge moments for your families (and I love seeing them myself).

This brings me to a new package I will be offering in 2022, called A Year in the Life.

Those images up there are all of Elliot, a sweet kiddo whom I documented three separate times in 2021. And I would love to do this for more families like yours! Look at how much he changed! From the hair and teeth to the sitting and standing and smiling and eating! We captured it all. Watch that film up top to get a real sense of it.

So starting in 2022, I will offer a Year in the Life package – both as a film and a photography option (see details below). But please know that my email suscribers got first dibs, and there are only two left for the entire year. Committing to this kind of project requires a bit of planning and time on my part, and I don't want to overbook myself. So if you want in, you should act fast.

Also? This would make an incredible holiday gift.

And before I forget to mention, anyone who purchases this package automatically qualifies for first dibs on fall session dates.

If you are interested, reach out soon, and we’ll get you on the 2022 calendar.

Here are the details:


(payment plans available)

+ 3 separate photo sessions happening 3-4 months apart.

+ One 2-3 hour documentary-style session in or around your home. This could be a newborn session, a bedtime session or any other activity you would like documented.

+ Two 30-45 minute sessions either at home or on location (not in a studio)

+ Roughly 120 high resolution downloadable images delivered throughout the year

+ A $100 credit in your gallery store which can be applied toward albums, prints, calendars and other gifts. I am happy to design the album for you.


(payment plans available)

+ 3 separate photo sessions happening several 3-4 months apart.

+ One 2-3 hour documentary-style session in or around your home. This could be a newborn session, a bedtime session or any other activity you would like documented.

+ Two 30-45 minute sessions either at home or on location (not in a studio)

+ Roughly 90 high resolution downloadable images delivered throughout the year

+ A 2-3 minute family film showcasing the family's change/growth throughout this period (like the one up top).

+ A $100 credit in your gallery store which can be applied toward albums, prints, calendars and other gifts. I am happy to design the album for you.

Leslie PlesserComment
a gorgeous home (and family)

Before the pandemic, I was contacted about making a film about a family and their newly renovated home. I follow this client on instagram, so I had already seen sneak peeks of the remodel process and a few finished rooms, and MAN was it stunning.

We set everything up… and then… well, you know. Global pandemic yada yada yada.

So this fall I was finally able to get out to this phenomenal home and document the family and their new(ish?) space.

Above is the film and below are the images. And yes, this was right around Halloween, and I captured some of that as well. Enjoy!

Leslie PlesserComment
Another bedtime session

I have so much work to catch you all up on and I have personal family photos as well that I’ll try to squeeze in next week, but today I want to share this wonderful bedtime session I had back in October.

First, I’ve been working with this family since their first son was a newborn, and I know I say this all the time, but it is so fun to see these kids grow up! To document them as they are changing and growing is truly magical.

And also? The eldest boy in this family CRIED when the photos came in because I wasn’t in any of the images.

Ha! That’s how much fun we have! They want ME in their family photos! I gotta say, that’s the best feedback I can get.

My season is finally starting to wind down (11 shoots left in the year!) and I’m ready for it. I’ve got baking recipes bookmarked and new wrapping paper purchased and wood stacked for a fire. Now… if only it would snow…

Enjoy the images.

Leslie PlesserComment
busy with films

I have had an extremely busy fall, but when I add up the shoots, it’s less than last year (which was BANANAS and I promised to never do again). So why does it all feel so overwhelming?

I think a big part of it is that I’ve had much larger sessions this year than last. I’ve had more bedtime sessions and more films (which is so great and makes me so happy!) but the workload on the back end of those packages is two to six times more work than a regular family shoot. So yeah. I’m feeling it.

But the good news is that I have a lot of work that I really love right now, and you’ll be getting to see more of it all soon.

First up is this family film from early October. The mom really, really wanted a lot of kid voices in her film, so I decided to sorta combine two different types of films (an interview, and a regular one). I LOVE the way it turned out and would love to do more of these — but it took about twice as long as normal to edit and put together, so I need to figure that part out.

Anyway! The film above is from that shoot as are the images below. And how adorable is it to interview three year olds? THE BEST.

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