112 eatery


Tonight we had dinner with my childhood friend Kam, who was in town from Chicago on business. We went to 112 Eatery, which was delicious, if not overpriced, in my opinion. But really tasty -- don't get me wrong. And fantastic music playing as well (Poliça!).Kam and I have known each other since we were about ... 4? 5? Word has it I gave her the chicken pox (sorry!). Anyway, we always have fun catching up and my face always hurts from laughing by the end of the night -- which is awesome.This photo is of Kam's dinner (the sirloin) which was way better than mine (the swordfish). So if you venture out to 112, get the sirloin over the swordfish. But word has it you should skip both of those and just go for the cheeseburger. I'm just sayin'.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser