... exhale


This morning Jamie told me to "Quick! Get your camera!" Let me tell you, this is a rarity. So I obliged and ran over, and there were two ducks (male and female) next to our fence in the backyard. Weird. Just waddling along between the houses, so here you go. Our own "house mallard" for the morning.But that was not the most exciting part of the day, now was it? That would have been the UNBELIEVABLE Kansas win in their Final Four game. Seriously, the clock ran out and Jamie and I were just staring at the TV with out mouths agape. That is the second time in this tournament when we pulled off a win that was... just unbelievable. So now we play the final game against Kentucky on Monday. Now, that is going to be... ahem... a very tough win. So I'm just going to relish in the fact that we are one of two teams to have the longest season of the year, and I'm going to really enjoy watching Thomas Robinson playing for the Kansas Jayhawks one last time, especially with Danny Manning on the bench. That should be special.