a case of the mondays


Man, today was long. Driving? Long. My normal 20 minute commute took an hour and forty minutes today. Awesome. Work? Long. Was there until 7 pm due to late arrival. Back at home to rest? Not likely. Loads of photo clients need stuff for the holidays. And they all decided on it today.But even though I'm kinda swamped, it's good. It feels pretty awesome to have so many people requesting my work -- even if it is a tad overwhelming. And part of the reason I'm so slammed right now is because of the fun things I have planned later in the week. So that's exciting, too.But enough whining. Maybe I should tell you about this photo, eh? This is the one and only shot I took today -- with my phone. I was waiting for a meeting to start, and I thought I'd shoot the Metrdome with it's collapsed roof while I waited (The Metrodome is directly behind the Strib. And in case you've been living under a rock, its roof collapsed yesterday due to all the snow from the blizzard.). I shot it using Instagram, which is my new favorite app -- it's like twitter, but with photos instead of words. And holy moly! Some of my non-photographer friends out there are blowing me away with their work. Super fun and super creative. And great filters, which were used in this here picture.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser