a slave to the hound(s)


Man, today was hard work. I slept in a little (9 am) before finishing up the wedding blog post from last week (which you can see here), and then I spent the next TEN HOURS cleaning the house, doing laundry and cooking food for this damn golden retriever.Preparing four meals a day for 11 days of dog-sitting on this home-made diet is a ton of work. That's 44 meals! Plus a few alternates in case her taste changes! I guess it's pretty obvious who's the "master" in this relationship, eh? Whatever, the guilt of leaving them for this long will make me do anything it takes to keep them happy. At least we know that they will have an awesome fill-in staying at the house while we're gone.Um... now it's 10 pm and I guess I should, uh, pack.Oh, and there is more than just cheerios in those containers. That's the fill-in carb that takes up the most room. I would not complain this much about pouring cereal, trust me.Oh! And also! These photos were taken with my BRAND NEW IPHONE 5. I'm not sure I like the filters I chose on them, but I'm too tired to futz any longer. I'm hoping my instagram feed gets much better with the shiny new camera :)

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser