a teaching moment


Tonight the band played at First Ave, and it was just amazing to see them having so much fun around all my friends who were having so much fun. I could not wipe the smile off of my face... and the adrenaline kept me going even after my second night of 3.5 hours of sleep (man am I gonna crash in a few minutes).But the best part of tonight was that since I'm familiar with First Ave, I didn't spend the time before the show scouting out shooting spots, but rather I just hung out backstage for a bit. This was a great moment where Deer Tick were debating playing a different Nirvana song than the one they had been playing. They opted against it for tonight, but watching them figure out and teach the song to each other in about two minutes flat really was astounding. The talent runs deep, lemme tell you.Tomorrow the band(s) head to Lawrence for a show, but I'm flying down to Austin to SXSW. I already know I'll be sad to miss the show tomorrow, but man alive will all this sleep be delicious.