a touch of hermione over here


Today I got to pick up some textbooks that I'm reviewing for possible use in my class. HOW AWESOME DOES THAT SENTENCE SOUND?? I get to CHOOSE the books?!? For my CLASS?!? I'm sorry, let me have a moment....I know that most of you "normal" folks were thrilled to get out of school and relished your summers and being free from reading yada yada yada. But I was the kid who *loved* school. Well, most of it. Not math, let's be clear.Shopping for school supplies and getting new books and new notebooks and pens and wow, I just loved that part of growing up. So getting brand new textbooks (that I didn't even have to PAY for) to review is super exciting for me. Now the trick will be finding the parts of the books that teach the best stuff. Let the games begin.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser