all i want in 2011 is...


Tonight we had a big party to celebrate 2011. We usually do a party in the fall to mark the absolute best season ever, but this year we were too tired after Spain to get that done. So we pushed it back a few months...Anyway, we had a fantastic time. Tons of great friends and laughs and food and drinks... It was really marvelous. But back to the photo! I set up a photo booth in our basement with a whiteboard that read "all I want in 2011 is" and then had the guests fill it out so I could take their photo. When Eric (above) sat down, the board had the previous person's wishes on it. So then we all started throwing money at him and handing him drinks so he could live up to the wishes that had been listed. He was a good sport and went along with it all -- and it's not too often I get to shoot photos of flying money! Win-win.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser