almost there...


I was too tired today to use a "real" camera. Plus, my fabulous D700 is in the midst of being sent in for repairs -- very sad, I know. So for the next few weeks I will be shooting mostly with my D80 (which now feels like a toy in my hands, although I promise it has been a fabulous camera to me in the past), and I will also be shooting more with my iPhone, just to mix things up.Anyway! Back to today's iPhone photo! This is our front yard now. It's a *little* sparse, but I've been told that the first year it will sleep, the second it will creep and the third it will leap. That's a little gardeners poetry for you all. And I bet you never thought you would get THAT from me. We have a few more plants to put in, which will happen on Sunday, and then voila! It will all be done!