

I was going to post a lovely photo of the big salad I had for dinner tonight, but as Jamie was lifting away the bowl, Memphis here had such a look of anticipation, that I decided to post this photo of her instead. You can almost hear her screaming "DROP IT!" from her little mind.I had today "off" from the paper, but I got up early and started working around 8 on my class at the U and then I had a meeting over at Eleisa's again this afternoon. So.... what are all these meetings about, you ask? Well, it's time I let you in on a little secret.I have joined up with a new collective of photographers called Rivets & Roses, and I'll be running all my weddings out of this studio. I know a lot of you have asked me why I would join up with a studio when I've been shooting weddings on my own for the last few years, and I have a couple of reasons.First, I think Eleisa is amazingly talented and runs a super tight ship, and I think I can learn a lot from her. So there's that. Second, I don't know if y'all have realized, but I am BUSY. Like, with this class? I might have bitten off a little more than I can chew. So by working with the studio, a lot of the "behind the scenes" work that I do now will be done by someone else, which will save me a ton of time. And that should be lovely. And third? I really love collaborating with people, and I think there are some *fantastic* photographers in this group, and I can't wait to learn from them as well.So there ya go. Oh! You might want to learn more, eh? The website is up and live and you can learn all about it over here. And there's gonna be this big art gallery/kickoff event on Jan. 20 called Found. If you are getting married soon, or know someone who is, you should come. There will be pretty pictures and wedding dresses and cupcakes and BOOZE.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser