aww, meet wiley


Isn't this guy adorable? He reminds me of the tramp in Lady and the Tramp. He's one of the many dogs who I snapped a photo of today at Home for Life in Wisconsin. What is Home for Life, you ask? It's a "long-term animal sanctuary." They take care of many animals that are not adoptable due to health reasons, age or handicap. These animals are not up for adoption, but rather they are cared for here for as long as they live.So what was I doing out there? The way they work is that people can "sponsor" an animal with financial donations to help pay for their food and medical treatments. These sponsors get updates through newsletters and photos of their animals (and that's where I came in). I was there today for about 3.5 hours and I shot portraits of about 125 animals (and yes, I am exhausted). I'll return later this week to finish up and shoot maybe 100 more. And no, I wasn't taking photos of all of the animals there -- only the ones that needed fresh portraits. Yeah. So they help a LOT of animals. What a great idea!

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser