bastille day


Well hello there! Today was the Barbette Block Party, which they hold every year in honor of Bastille Day. I am usually up north this weekend and have to miss it, but this year we pushed the trip back a week due to cabin scheduling, so there you go. And oh hey! It's a good thing we *did* push it back because I got to see a free Astronautalis show AND I got to hear a brand new song. Hooray for me!For more photos of the block party, click here. And man, check out the priceless look from the kid watching the dancers (it's about halfway down).MEMPHIS UPDATE: Our girl is having a rough weekend. There's been a loss of appetite again and a ton of barfing. She's pretty lethargic, and we're trying to sort out what changed in the last 2 days that would have this effect. The only thing we can think of is that we took her for a walk... And if exercise does this to her, we might be in trouble next week at the cabin with that big lake calling her name for a swim. Fingers crossed she feels better.