behind the scenes


This weekend I've been working on a shoot for a local agency involving food. Food! I loooove photographing food -- especially in bright, beautiful kitchens! This has been a really nice distraction from the troubles at home, and I'm hoping to wrap up this work in the next two days or so.And then you know what? And then I'm done with Shuttersmack work for the rest of 2012. This is wonderful because it's the holidays and it's a load off my mind. But don't kid yourselves, I've got a crap ton of stuff going on over at the newspaper, and... uh... I've got a syllabus and lessons to get ready for class. I'm going to give myself two to three days of total relaxation though, and then we'll be back to the normal gig.In the meantime? As many puppy snuggles as I can fit in.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser