ben and andrea get hitched


Man, what a night! Today Ben and Andrea, two dear friends of mine, got married in the park. After the festivities, they had seven pedi-cabbers show up to bike a bunch of us over to the reception site, which was less than 2 miles away. It started to sprinkle, but nothing too major. Yet.On our way over, the rain became more steady (as you can see in this shot here), and when we had about six blocks to go, all hell broke loose. Umbrellas were blowing the wrong way, no one could see, the wind was OUT OF CONTROL. The bikers smartly pulled us into an overhang in front of the Radisson hotel, where the staff was kind enough to supply us with towels, a large table and a round of drinks while we waited for it to let up. Man, it was like that hipster armeggedon of Soundset 2012 all over again!But not to fear! We all made it safely to the reception, and a wonderful time was had by all. And now these two lovebirds have a fantastic story for the grandkids!