birthday girl


Today we celebrated my buddy Michiela's birthday. She turns the big 5-0 on St. Patrick's day, but will be out of town then, so we had cake and dinner tonight instead. I like this photo because there's Sid (who I doubt knows Michiela's name -- I mean, no fault of her's. I'm not sure he knows his own name. Wait. OK, he definitely knows that. I take it back) with his arm around her like these two hang out all the time. Heh.For the out-of-towners that read this blog, Sid is somewhat of an "institution" around here. He's a sports columnist who's been at the paper for something like 70 years. I don't think I'm even exaggerating -- he started when he was a teenager, and he's in his 90s now. Oy. Now that's depressing.