book sale


Back at work... sigh... Not as bad as I had feared, but still I'd rather be home in my PJs watching bad TV. Anyway, the *good* thing about being at work today was that it was the first day of the company book sale. See, our books editor gets about a grocery cart full of new books every day in the mail (or that's what it seems like). She sorts them and logs them and sends them out to reviewers etc. etc., but at the end of the year, she pulls them all together in a big ass room and sells them for hardly anything, then donates the cash to a non-profit organization. This here was one of the more prized book collections she was selling -- it's a box set of all three of the Steig Larson series (Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, etc.) as well as a shorter book about the author. Aren't they LOVELY? Check out those linen covers!And yes. There is an elephant in the room. This photo looks a little different, doesn't it? You see, I'm trying an experiment. This week will be all iPhone photos. I think using the old phone camera will force me to be even more creative in how I capture things. And I promise not to overdo it with the apps (damn hipstamatic green filter makes me wanna barf). So let me know what you think as the week goes on. Um. That is if I can get my comments section fixed. (Sorry. Working on that.)

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser