boring boring boring


You guys, it is so dull around here that I feel I must apologize. It's been ages since you've had a good concert shot or anything other than my hired work -- but that's because work is all I really have time for right now. Well, that and my art show preparations (you ARE coming, aren't you??). Today was no different, except that it also included a big grocery store run for Thanksgiving dinner supplies. We're hosting this year, and I'm pretty excited about that! So between grocery store runs, Ikea runs, installing a new light fixture and reorganizing the basement, I got nothing to show you.Except for my little princess here. My new office has a big day bed in it, and you can bet this one has made herself at home. She's all cuddled in against all my new bedding. It's also nice to have up here because Jamie (whose feet you see there) can work with me in the same room.Our New Year's Resolution? Work less. We'll see how that goes!

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser