

Today was an awesome Minneapolis Saturday. First off, it was in the 70s and the fall colors are amazing this year... so the weather is blowing my mind. Second, today was the annual Zombie Pub Crawl. This year they were rumored to have more than 8,000 attendees, although I have no idea how many showed up. I have dressed up for this before (a few years ago), but now I just like to swing by and get a few photos. I loved this guy's makeup. You can see my other favorite costumes over here -- so fun and creative!After the Pub Crawl, we had an amazing dinner of fish and chips before heading over to St. Paul to see Mark Mallman's Marathon III. Mallman is a local musician that has these "marathon" performances every five years. The first was 26 hours, the second 52 and this year he's aiming for 78. That's HOURS STRAIGHT of performing. He runs to the bathroom during guitar solos and eats food during drum solos. It's insane. And in the dark, early hours of the morning when the bar is closed, he stays behind performing for the webcams. It's a serious feat.So we stopped down tonight for hours 53-55.And let me tell you. It was a freakin' spectacle. There were skulls and smoke machines and lazer light shows and even a flautist performing yoga on stage. I did get some photos of all of this, but I wanted to post the zombies first. So check back on Sunday for Mallman. And go over here to watch him finish up in the meantime.UPDATE: The Mallman photos are up over here. Take a look at the flautist balancing on one leg!

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser