breakfast club


This morning we met up with some of our favorite people for breakfast, as I needed to deliver some prints to them from that amazing party a few weeks back. We decided to hit up Victor's, which is a teeny tiny cuban restaurant in town.I have been hearing about how amazing Victor's is since the first week I moved here. That was almost ten years ago. So why, might you ask, had we never been there? Well... we were so dang happy to escape The Hell That Was Florida, that we didn't really think a) we needed to eat any Cuban food for a while and b) we didn't really think it would be as good as the stuff in Miami anyway (right?).But today we were proven wrong. So, so wrong. Save for the Cafe Con Leche (Miami still owns the crown on that one) this was the most amazing food ever, and I'm kinda kicking myself for waiting 10 years. It was just delicious. And the company was great as well.After breakfast, we ran some errands and came home to watch the big KU game... which was when I fell asleep on the couch for three straight hours. Sigh. I am so bummed I missed that game. But I guess I needed the rest...And on a very sad side note (do you know how tired I am of adding sad side notes to this blog? This is turning out to be the Winter of Sad, and I am exhausted), another friend of mine at work died today. This man was more than just a coworker, I considered him a friend not only who I shared many dinners with but also who attended KU and would talk sports with me. He had cancer and it finally got the best of him.I am officially ready for some good, happy stuff to happen now. For real.

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser